




維基標記 目的 模板顯示
{{stub}} 表明條目处于小作品状态。該通知應被添加到條目底部。
{{starnomination}} Indicates that an article has been nominated for star status. This notice should be added to the top of the article just below the "pagebanner" template.
{{Destarnomination}} Indicates that an article has been nominated to lose its star status. This notice should be added to the top of the article just below the "pagebanner" template.
{{starpotential}} Draws attention to a failed star nomination for an article and the reasons why it wasn't awarded star status. This notice should be placed at the top of an article's discussion page.
維基標記 目的 模板顯示
{{confused|place}} 通知读者不要将某个地方与另一个地方混淆,也许是名字相似。
提示:本条目的主题不是[[Sibu, Sarawak]]
{{Disamb}} 表示页面是消歧义页。此通知应添加到“所有”消歧页面的底部。
{{Otheruses}} 用于通常需要消除歧义的页面,但符合“最着名”的例外(例如巴黎丹麦)。此通知应添加到文章的顶部,并将创建指向消歧页面的链接。
其他同名地点的条目,请见Paris (消歧义)


維基標記 目的 模板顯示
{{Soft redirect|''頁面''}} 創建一個軟重定向到不同維基的一個頁面上。 meta:Main page


維基標記 目的 模板顯示
{{See also}} 用於在頁面頂部的部分,給讀者指出相關信息.
{{Moreinfo}} 用于在页面顶部的部分,给读者指向另一个页面的特定信息。
{{Main}} 用於在頁面頂部的部分,給讀者指出的文章主要涉及某個話題。



These notices are used to indicate that an article needs attention due to some problem:

維基標記 目的 模板顯示
{{Delete}} 標示條目符合快速删除。该通知应被添加到文章的顶部。
{{Vfd}} Indicates that an article has been recommended for deletion. This notice should be added to the top of the article.

{{Copyvio|網址}} Used on pages that contain a copyright violations. This notice should be placed at the top of an article. It is generally preferred to just remove copyrighted information and then leave a note on the talk page indicating where the content came from and why it was removed.
{{Copypaste|網址}} 拷貝後貼上的內容
{{Merge|目的地}} Indicates that an article does not meet the article criteria and that its content should be merged into the destination article. This notice should be placed at the top of an article.
{{Merge from|destination}} Indicates that content from another article should be merged into the article. This notice should be placed at the top of an article or section.
{{Style}} Indicates that a page does not conform to the manual of style. This notice should be placed at the top of the relevant article or section.
Optionally, the suggested remedy may be specified after a vertical bar character e.g.: {{Style|[[Units#Avoid_orphaned_units]]}}, in which case the subsequent default text of "Please use the article's talk page to ask questions if you are not sure why this tag was added and whether it is safe to remove it." will not display.
{{Advert}} Indicates that a page contains extensive touting and hyperbole. This notice should be placed at the top of an article.
{{Movetodistrict}} Content on a huge city main page needs to be split off into districts. This notice should be placed at the top of the section that needs work.
{{Movetocity}} Content on a region page needs to be moved to the respective city articles. This notice should be placed at the top of the section that needs work.
{{Districts discussion}} Discussion on the Talk page is under way for defining new districts. This notice should be placed at the top of the city article that has a districts discussion taking place.
{{Regions discussion}} Discussion on the Talk page is under way for defining new regions. This notice should be placed at the top of a regions article that has a regions discussion taking place.
{{translate|fr}} Identifies that a more complete article exists in another language version of Wikivoyage; encourages the user to help with translation. Placed at the top of an article.
{{TARequired}} 需要增加人工地區詞轉換
{{Update|time=input time here}} 需要更新
{{Dead end}} 需要增加內部鏈接
{{Transcription|standard}} Indicates that content in a phrasebook does not match Wikivoyage's romanization standards.




維基標記 目的 模板顯示
{{Disclaimerbox|text of disclaimer}} A disclaimer is a sparingly-used message, normally containing editorial content about policy decisions. A disclaimer should generally be discussed prior to being added to an article.

Here Tibet is used as a synonym for the Tibetan Autonomous Region (T.A.R.) of China not the historic Tibet in existence prior to the Chinese takeover. This is not a political statement. The strict restrictions on freedom of movement put on foreigners, sharply divides the T.A.R from ethnically Tibetan areas that form a geographic and cultural continuation of Tibet to the east of the T.A.R..

{{Cautionbox|text of caution}} Used for non-life-threatening warnings that could affect a traveler's possessions, finances, or health, and other notices that need presentation in an attention-grabbing format. It should be used sparingly—only if normal prose is insufficient for some reason.

You can use the parameter "boldtext=" to change the word "NOTE" to something else.

注意 注意:To avoid the unsavory, corrupt, and thoroughly untrustworthy booking services based in Kolkata, it is best to get a place to stay on arrival without advance reservation.
{{Warningbox|text of warning}} Used to call out information that is vital to a traveler's safety, such as recent damage from a natural disaster, political instability, or some other serious condition. Warning boxes should be sparingly used and placed either at the top of an article or within the article section that is related to the warning.
旅行警告 警告:The effects of Hurricane Katrina severely damaged parts of New Orleans at the end of August, 2005, and it expected to take many months for the city to return to normality. As of Spring 2006, most services in the main travel centers (French Quarter, Central Business District, Garden District, and Faubourg Marigny) are back to normal; however, be prepared for contingencies if you're traveling outside the city center.
{{VisaRestriction|text of information}} Information about visa restrictions.
旅行警告 簽證限制:Afghanistan, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen block passports containing stamps or visas from Israel. If you intend to visit any of these nations, ask immigration to stamp a blank page, rather than your passport, when entering. Note that those countries will also search for Jordanian/Egyptian exit stamps from land borders with Israel and will likewise prohibit your entry if they find one.


維基標記 目的 模板顯示
<noinclude>{{documentation}}</noinclude> Inserts the documentation on a template page.
<noinclude>{{Experimental}}</noinclude> Used for experimental templates.
維基標記 目的 模板顯示
{{Discover}} Inserts the current "Wikivoyage Discover" factoids. Should be placed in the appropriate spot on the Main Page.
  • 3月7日 海地政府7日宣布将紧急状态延长至4月3日,当地首都次日爆发枪战。现不建议前往海地旅行。美联社
  • 2月17日 1月1日日本石川縣能登地方发生大地震并引发海啸,该地呼吁不要在能登地方旅行。来源
  • 11月11日 近期冰岛发生火山喷发的风险极大,计划前往该地区的旅行者请注意合理规划路线,并注意自身安全。来源
  • 近期至今 近來陸續傳出多起求職者因受網路高薪廣告誘騙赴柬埔寨阿聯酋從事不法或不符期待工作之求助案件,不僅護照遭詐騙公司扣留,行動自由亦遭限制,致使身陷危境、難以對外求助;即使向當地警方報案,亦可能無法成案而受困當地。呼籲求職者提高警覺,盡量不要前往柬埔寨泰國緬甸等東南亞國家和阿聯酋來源

These notices are used to promote articles that are collaborations of the month:

維基標記 目的 模板顯示
{{Cotm|date}} Indicates that a page is the current collaboration of the month. This notice should be placed at the top of the article's talk page.

This article is the collaboration of the month for December 2009. Find out how it can be improved, and plunge forward to make this an article we can be proud of!

{{Pcotw|from-date|to-date}} Indicates that a page was previously a collaboration of the week. This notice should be placed at the top of an article's talk page.
{{Pcotm|date}} Indicates that a page was previously a collaboration of the month. This notice should be placed at the top of an article's talk page.
{{Current collaboration}} Used by other templates to create a link to the current collaboration of the month.
{{Cotmpromote}} Used by the Project page to promote the collaboration of the month.


  • 空段 — 填寫時間到了!來吧,每個人都有把在歐洲的什麼“吃”一節的一些想法!
  • 要點散文 — 對於景點,活動,用餐,買等基本的主標題,信息應該在概述散文的形式,不是隨機的櫻桃採摘子彈。
  • 合理化 — 有時怪異的建議出現的各種節。在大陸地區提到的東西應該提到的一個原因。想像一下,一些豐富經驗(但可能感興趣的通話,並積極而)的人誰願意“去看看南美洲,”和評估討論項目是否足夠值得注意到振振有詞適合在這樣的行程。
  • 優先 — 景點與活動先做,然後是到達,周遊,和保持安全。



These are temporary templates for use on articles where large and significant events will be hosted. These templates should be deleted and removed from here once the event has passed.

Venue one
Venue two
Cluster three
Park four
奧運 · 索契 2014



These templates are used to standardize the look of specific Wikivoyage article content.

維基標記 目的 模板顯示
{{Infobox|title|description}} Used to create an infobox to display an interesting fact or notable piece of information within an article. Infoboxes should be used sparingly.

Sample title

Sample description

{{Eatpricerange|budget|midrange|splurge}} Used to establish the local baseline for classifying restaurant listings.
低廉 Under $10
中等 $10-30
奢侈 Over $30
{{Sleeppricerange|budget|midrange|splurge}} Used to establish the local baseline for classifying accommodation listings.
經濟 Under $50
中檔 $50-100
奢侈 Over $100
| units = Metric
| janhigh = 32 | febhigh = 33 | marhigh = 34
| aprhigh = 35 | mayhigh = 34 | junhigh = 33
| julhigh = 33 | aughigh = 33 | sephigh = 32
| octhigh = 32 | novhigh = 32 | dechigh = 31
| janlow = 21 | feblow = 23 | marlow = 25
| aprlow = 26 | maylow = 26 | junlow = 25
| jullow = 25 | auglow = 25 | seplow = 25
| octlow = 24 | novlow = 23 | declow = 21
| janprecip = 9 | febprecip = 29 | marprecip = 28
| aprprecip = 64 | mayprecip = 220 | junprecip = 149
| julprecip = 154 | augprecip = 196 | sepprecip = 344
| octprecip = 241 | novprecip = 48 | decprecip = 9
| description = Check '''Bangkok's 7 day forecast''' at
[http://www.tmd.go.th/en/province.php?id=37 TMD.go.th]
Used to show information about the climate of a destination.
日间最高(℃) 32 33 34 35 34 33 33 33 32 32 32 31
夜间最低(℃) 21 23 25 26 26 25 25 25 25 24 23 21
降水(㎜) 9 29 28 64 220 149 154 196 344 241 48 9

Check Bangkok's 7 day forecast at TMD.go.th
Used to display airport codes, either IATA or ICAO. IATAXXX
| image1=image name (do not include "Image:")
| imagesize1=pixel size for icon (optional, defaults to 22px)
| directionl1=direction (should be N, NW, W, or SW)
| majorl1=[[Next major city or junction]]
| minorl1=[[Next minor city]] (optional)
| directionr1=opposite direction (should be S, SE, E, or NE)
| majorr1=[[Next major city or junction]]
| minorr1=[[Next minor city]] (optional)
Used to add routes through the city. For more than one route, add a space and then the "image" through "minorr1" lines before the closing brackets and replace "1" with "2", "3",etc. See Wikivoyage:Routebox navigation for more detailed instructions.
End  W  E  BrandonOrlando
AtlantaOcala  N  S  BradentonMiami
End at  N  S  ClearwaterSt.Petersburg
AtlantaBrooksville  N  S  BradentonMiami


Used to display a banner at the top of each article

| image=Pretty.jpg
| flag=xx-flag.png
| location=xx-location.png
| capital=Capital
| government=Government type
| currency=Local currency (ABC)
| area=123 sq km
| population=4,567,890 (July 2005 est.)
| language=Language1, Language2
| religion=Religion1, Religion2
| electricity=xxxV/yyHz (Z plug)
| callingcode=+CC
| tld=.xx
| timezone=UTC +N

Used to create the quick reference box for country pages (and should not be used anywhere else). All arguments to the command are optional. For the image argument, please make sure the width is exactly 250px (the width of the quickbar) and that the "noframe" option is specified.
首都 Singapore
货币 Singapore dollar (SGD)
人口 4,425,720 (July 2005 est.)
电力系统 230V/50Hz (British plug)
国家区号 +65
时区 UTC +8
语言 English (official), Chinese (official), Malay (official and national), Tamil (official)
| regionmap=Macao-map.png
| regionmaptext=Districts of Macau
| regionmapsize=250px

| region1name=[[Macau/Peninsula|Macau Peninsula]]
| region1color=#d56d76
| region1items=
| region1description=The peninsula in the north.

| region2name=[[Macau/Taipa|Taipa]]
| region2color=#d5dc76
| region2items=
| region2description=The northern island.

| region3name=[[Macau/Cotai|Cotai]]
| region3color=#d09440
| region3items=
| region3description=A strip of reclaimed land.

| region4name=[[Macau/Coloane|Coloane]]
| region4color=#71b37b
| region4items=
| region4description=The southern island.

Shows regions and a map of a huge city, country or region article.
Districts of Macau
Macau Peninsula
The peninsula in the north.
The northern island.
A strip of reclaimed land.
The southern island.
{{Itinerary}} Identifies an article as a Wikivoyage "itinerary" article. Should be placed at the top of the content of an article.
{{printDistricts}} Applied to articles using the Huge City template to point out that listings are on separate district pages. Should be placed at the top of the content of an article.
{{SeeDistricts}} Applied at the top of the sleep, eat, drink, do and see sections of huge cities. Indicates that listings are to be found within the district articles of a city.
{{geo|lat|long}} Specifies the latitude and longitude of the location and adds a "Map" link to the page for a Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft map.
{{Attribution|Source1|Source2|...|Source30}} Identifies external sources that contributed content to the article, to comply with the Attribution requirement of the Creative Commons BY-SA license. Placed at the bottom of an article.
This article may contain pieces contributed by people external to Wikivoyage, namely: Evan, Sapphire, Phil

{{Mergecredit|Redirect page}} Identifies other articles whose content has been merged to this article, to comply with the Attribution requirement of the Creative Commons BY-SA license. Placed at the bottom of an article.
本文包含的已合并內容可在Redirect page找到。看看該頁的修訂歷史以查看其他作者。
{{Wikipedia|WP article name}} Identifies content reused from articles on Wikipedia, also to comply with the Attribution requirement of the Creative Commons BY-SA license. Placed at the bottom of an article.
此条目中有来自维基百科条目 Portugal 中的内容。请访问那个页面的历史记录来查看贡献者列表。
{{Joke}} Indicates that the article has been written as an April Fool's Day joke, and that no more edits should be made. It is placed at the top of the article.
{{CompletedEvent|year|text}} Indicates that the article has been written for an event that has passed, and that no more edits should be made. It is placed at the top of the article.
模板索引:本次活動已在2010閉幕並且不再向公眾開放。The next Olympics will be held in London in 2012.

{{LunarNewYeardates}} Used to list the dates and names of the Lunar years based on the Chinese calendar



  • 辛丑牛年将于2021年2月12日开始
  • 壬寅虎年将于2022年2月1日开始
  • 癸卯兔年将于2023年1月22日开始


{{Ramadandates}} Used to list the dates of Ramadan


齋月是伊斯蘭曆的第9個月,也是最為神聖的月份,持續29到30天。在這段時間內,穆斯林會在白天齋戒,幾乎所有餐館黃昏前都不會開門營業。從早到晚穆斯林都不能食用任何東西(包括水、香煙)。非穆斯林不必遵守,但也盡量不要在公共場合進食,因為這樣不禮貌。工作的時長也會縮短。 斋月的准确日期依赖于当地的天文观测,各国之间可能有所不同。斋月结束于开斋节,这个节日可能持续数天。

  • 2025年3月1日 – 3月29日(伊斯蘭曆1446年)
  • 2026年2月18日 – 3月19日(伊斯蘭曆1447年)
  • 2027年2月8日 – 3月8日(伊斯蘭曆1448年)
  • 2028年1月28日 – 2月25日(伊斯蘭曆1449年)
  • 2029年1月16日 – 2月12日(伊斯蘭曆1450年)



| name=Exploratorium | url=http://www.exploratorium.edu/
| email= | address=Pier 15, 698 The Embarcadero
| lat=37.8013 | long=-122.3988 | directions=at Green St
| phone=+1 415 528-4360 | tollfree= | fax=
| hours=Tu-Su 10AM-5PM; open W until 10PM, closed M
| price=Adults: $25, Students/seniors/youth: $19,
Children age 5 and under: Free
| content=A great kid friendly option, with lots of
interactive exhibits teaching about science,
with intriguing displays about the mind, natural systems,
sound, sight, and much much more.

Used to display a See listing in hCard microformat, see Template:See/doc 1 Exploratorium地址 Pier 15, 698 The Embarcaderoat Green St),📞 +1 415 528-4360🕘 Tu-Su 10AM-5PM; open W until 10PM, closed M💰 Adults: $25, Students/seniors/youth: $19, Children age 5 and under: Free簡介 A great kid friendly option, with lots of interactive exhibits teaching about science, with intriguing displays about the mind, natural systems, sound, sight, and much much more.

{{do | …}}
{{buy | …}}
{{eat | …}}
{{drink | …}}
{{sleep | …}}

Used to display a Do/Buy/Eat/Drink/Sleep listing in hCard microformat, similar to {{see | …}}


Used to display some text in another language (add the correct markup around it) 須賀川


Used to include the flag of a given country United States


Used to include the boilerplate text needed in the Get in section of every Schengen member (long text, see Template:Schengen)


Used to include the boilerplate text needed in the Buy section of every country using the euro 模板索引 uses the euro (€, EUR) as its money. It is one of 23 European countries that use this common European currency: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain (which are all eurozone countries of the European Union or EU) together with the six non-EU members Andorra, Kosovo, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino and the Vatican that also solely use euros but have no say in eurozone affairs. These 23 countries together have a population of more than 330 million.

One euro is divided into 100 cents. Except for Kosovo and Montenegro, all issue their own coins with a distinctive, national face. However, all the coins' obverse looks the same, as do all bills or banknotes and all are legal tender in all 23 countries.

{{Indian Rupee}}

Used to include the Indian Rupee symbol


維基標記 目的 模板顯示
{{Talk page}} Talk page of a Wikivoyager

如果您在維基導遊以外的任何網站發現此頁面,那麼你正在查看一個鏡像站點。請注意,該頁面可能已經過時,而這個頁面的內容不屬於維基導遊以外的任何網站,維基導遊和此網站沒有關係。原來的頁面位於 https://zh.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Wikivoyage:%E6%A8%A1%E6%9D%BF%E7%B4%A2%E5%BC%95

{{Swept}} Indicates if a discussion has been swept in from the Traveller's Pub
{{subst:Unsigned|username}} Annotates unsigned posts to make discussions easier to follow. This template must be substituted. --以上未簽名的留言由DenisYurkin對話貢獻)加入。
{{subst:Welcome}} Welcomes a new user on their user page. This template must be substituted.


有问题?請到互助客栈询问,或在我的对话页提出。别忘記:討論後要簽名,方式之一是留下4個波浪紋「 ~~~~ 」。
If you have any questions about the Chinese Wikivoyage, please leave a message here. Thank you for visiting!
{{Talk archive}} Marks a page as an archive that should not be edited.
{{Airport expedition}} Indicates an article is part of the Airport Expedition


維基標記 目的 模板顯示
{{User page}} 用戶頁面 of a Wikivoyager



All images, files, etc. on Wikivoyage must be published according to our copyleft. When uploading a file it is imperative that you select a compatible license:

維基標記 目的 模板顯示
{{Cc-by-sa-1.0}} the default license for Wikivoyage before 2010
{{Cc-by-sa-3.0}} the default license for Wikivoyage from 2010
{{Cc-by-sa-all}} licenses the image under all current and future versions of Cc-by-sa
{{Dual-gfdl-Cc-by-sa-3.0}} for images licensed under both Cc-by-sa 3.0 and GFDL
Some rights reserved
This picture is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license version 3.0 and any later versions, and the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL).

{{Dual-gfdl-Cc-by-sa-any}} for images licensed under any version of Cc-by-sa and GFDL
Some rights reserved
This picture is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license version 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and any later versions, and the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL).

{{PD-creator}} use this if you are the creator of the image and wish to release it into the Public Domain
Public domain
此图片不受版权保护。 此图片由作者提交并释出一切权利。这适用于全世界。
Public domain
{{PD-fed}} most images created by a US federal gov't employee during the course of duty are in the Public Domain
Public domain
Public domain
{{PD}} use this if you are not the creator of the image, but have found it already in the Public Domain
Public domain
Public domain
{{Non-free image|articles=
For non-free images uploaded locally
{{Wikivoyage-screenshot}} For screenshots uploaded locally

{{License review|~~~|~~~~~}} Indicating the license of a file has been verified by an administrator or reviewer



Wikivoyage has a number of article templates that can be used to format articles. The following substitution texts can be used to quickly insert the article template into newly created articles. When the article is saved the shortcut is replaced with the text. This is a one-off substitution and can only be undone by deleting the inserted text - use with care.



These templates are used on Wikivoyage-namespace pages to help unify the presentation of nominations and other internal site processes.

| place=Place Name
| status=articlestatus
| time=featuretime
| comment=Commentary
| nominatedBy=~~~~
| DotMImage=Image
| DotMBlurb=BlurbForFrontPage
This template is used for nominations on the Wikivoyage:Destination of the Month candidates page.

地点Nusa Lembongan
导语(含标点应不少于70个汉字字符):The island paradise of Nusa Lembongan is a world away from the hassle and hectic pace of much of Bali. Neither hawkers nor traffic mar the magnificent scenery; this is a fine place to just put your feet up and relax. Main activities include surfing, diving and snorkeling in the vivid aqua blue waters.
展示时间:June-September would be best
提名人LtPowers 10:56, 8 September 2011 (EDT)
提名意见:This is one of my absolute favorite places because they have sideways fish that look like blended wing body airplanes.




The following special templates were used by Wikitravel Press to control the appearance of printed text. They have no impact on the appearance of articles and can be safely ignored. They are retained for possible future use in other printed travel guides.

Add an entry to the index for this point
Force a page break here


{{Historical}} Marks a policy page as historical and not in active use.
{{Nutshell|text}} Describes a certain policy in a nutshell. It is placed at the top of a policy page.




模板名稱 效用 位置
{{ Underconstruction }}
鏈入 討論 編輯
  • {{IsPartOf}} Generation of breadcrumbs for destination article.
  • {{PartOfTopic}} Generation of breadcrumbs for travel topic article.



Similar to Wikivoyage:Graffiti wall, you can use Template:Graffiti wall to play with a major edit to existing template before making it live for an existing (and widely used) template.

