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Please accept our apologies for cross-posting this message. This message is available for translation on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, I am pleased to announce that self-nominations are being accepted for the 2017 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Elections.
The Board of Trustees (Board) is the decision-making body that is ultimately responsible for the long-term sustainability of the Wikimedia Foundation, so we value wide input into its selection. More information about this role can be found on Meta-Wiki. Please read the letter from the Board of Trustees calling for candidates.
The candidacy submission phase will last from April 7 (00:00 UTC) to April 20 (23:59 UTC).
We will also be accepting questions to ask the candidates from April 7 to April 20. You can submit your questions on Meta-Wiki.
Once the questions submission period has ended on April 20, the Elections Committee will then collate the questions for the candidates to respond to beginning on April 21.
The goal of this process is to fill the three community-selected seats on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. The election results will be used by the Board itself to select its new members.
The full schedule for the Board elections is as follows. All dates are inclusive, that is, from the beginning of the first day (UTC) to the end of the last.
- April 7 (00:00 UTC) – April 20 (23:59 UTC) – Board nominations
- April 7 – April 20 – Board candidates questions submission period
- April 21 – April 30 – Board candidates answer questions
- May 1 – May 14 – Board voting period
- May 15–19 – Board vote checking
- May 20 – Board result announcement goal
In addition to the Board elections, we will also soon be holding elections for the following roles:
- Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC)
- There are five positions being filled. More information about this election will be available on Meta-Wiki.
- Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson (Ombuds)
- One position is being filled. More information about this election will be available on Meta-Wiki.
Please note that this year the Board of Trustees elections will be held before the FDC and Ombuds elections. Candidates who are not elected to the Board are explicitly permitted and encouraged to submit themselves as candidates to the FDC or Ombuds positions after the results of the Board elections are announced.
More information on this year's elections can be found on Meta-Wiki. Any questions related to the election can be posted on the election talk page on Meta-Wiki, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, board-electionswikimedia.org.
On behalf of the Election Committee,
Katie Chan, Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee
Joe Sutherland, Community Advocate, Wikimedia Foundation
Read-only mode for 20 to 30 minutes on 19 April and 3 May
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维基媒体基金会即将测试其位于达拉斯的最新的数据中心。 该新系统可确保维基媒体站点在意外状况发生后仍然可以保持在线。 为确保一切正常,维基媒体技术部门计划进行测试,保证系统能够可靠地在两个数据中心之间切换。测试中需要多个团队做好准备,修复任何问题。
4月19日(周三)所有流量将被切换至新数据中心, 5月3日(周三)切换回主数据中心。
因MediaWiki系统限制,所有在这两个切换期间进行的编辑将无法保存。 请谅解因此带来的不便,我们努力将其影响降到最小。
- 在4月19日和5月3日的时候,您会因为服务器的切换而无法编辑20到30分钟。 该测试将于14:00(UTC)(06:00 北京时间,15:00 BST,16:00 CEST,07:00 PDT,23:00 JST)开始。
- 届时编辑条目或保存更改时将出现错误信息。 我们希望在切换过程中不会导致无法编辑的情况,但我们不能保证这一点。 如果您看到错误消息,请等到一切恢复正常。 然后保存您的编辑。 但是,我们建议您在保存更改之前先把您的更改复制一遍,以防万一。
- 后台作业变慢,有些可能会丢失链接。 红链很可能不会像平常那样快速更新。 如果您创建了一个被其它条目链接的新条目,其它条目链向新条目的红链可能要过段时间才可更新为蓝色。 一些长时间运行的脚本将不得不停止。
- 4月17日至5月1日维基站点的大部分代码将被冻结。 只有必须运行的代码不会有事。
如果需要,此项测试可能会被推迟。 您可以在 wikitech.wikimedia.org 阅读计划。 任何有关测试的改变都将会在时间表上公布。 我们将发出更多这方面的通知。 请把它分享到您的社区中。 /User:Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk)
分类:需要翻译的条目列出了部分,搬过来未翻译的条目也理应放至此分类。另请记得在留言后以四个波浪号“~~~~”签名。大虾番(讨论) 2017年4月13日 (四) 20:45 (CST)
- @大虾番:
我不了解這個意思,不是在未翻譯完的條目上會掛{{translate|en|英語條目}}了嗎?不好意思,以為是你在問...--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年4月13日 (四) 21:18 (CST)- @Topflyerbob: 如大虾番所言,而且遇到未翻譯完的條目上會掛{{translate|en|英語條目}}--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年4月13日 (四) 21:22 (CST)
- @Yuriy_kosygin:啊不好意思,是我忘了搞缩进和补签名,没参加过讨论太久了。大虾番(讨论) 2017年4月13日 (四) 21:28 (CST)
- @大虾番: 不會不會...畢竟我自己也搞混了,後來在看近期變更才知。--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年4月13日 (四) 21:31 (CST)
- @Yuriy_kosygin:啊不好意思,是我忘了搞缩进和补签名,没参加过讨论太久了。大虾番(讨论) 2017年4月13日 (四) 21:28 (CST)
- @Topflyerbob: 如大虾番所言,而且遇到未翻譯完的條目上會掛{{translate|en|英語條目}}--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年4月13日 (四) 21:22 (CST)
- @大虾番:@Yuriy_kosygin: 感谢二位,还以为没有这个板块Topflyerbob(讨论) 2017年4月13日 (四) 22:33 (CST)
Hi everybody.
- May you create Rasht's article in 中文?--Pirsharafshah(讨论) 2017年4月14日 (五) 07:26 (CST)
- @Pirsharafshah: Mmmm... This will wait until the article has been translated to Chinese, and we will create the article; Because many articles in the Chinese Wikivoyage has not translated. so,Rasht been translated to Chinese.--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年4月14日 (五) 20:40 (CST)
- Thanks a lot dear @✈ YURIY.--Pirsharafshah(讨论) 2017年4月14日 (五) 20:48 (CST)
- @Pirsharafshah: I hope you can understand our dilemma...--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年4月14日 (五) 21:01 (CST)
完成 @Pirsharafshah: I already create 拉什特(It's Chinese name of Rasht)and translated done. --✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年4月15日 (六) 21:36 (CST)
- Thank you so much 朋友. :))--Pirsharafshah(讨论) 2017年4月16日 (日) 03:03 (CST)
- @Pirsharafshah: I hope you can understand our dilemma...--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年4月14日 (五) 21:01 (CST)
Wikivoyage at the Wikimania 2017
Dear Wikivoyage community members. The Wikimania 2017 conference will take place in August 2017. I am going to take part and I hope to meet some other community members. To prepare for the conference properly I would like to know more about all your wishes, problems and ideas related to Wikivoyage. I have created a small site on the meta-wiki where you can drop all your thoughts, wishes and concerns. Feel free to create sub sites if needed. It would be great to have a meeting at the conference venue or anywhere in town. -- DerFussi (talk) -- MediaWiki message delivery(讨论) 2017年4月24日 (一) 04:04 (CST)
目前最需要的,就是要推派一位具有熱心、有長期編輯經驗、對維基導遊具有相當認知的維基嚮導來擔任管理員一職,主要任務就是除了維護條目不被惡意刪除與破壞外,還要封鎖IP用戶創建無意義條目(廣告、亂文、毫無相關等)。近日以來,我發現有不少的維基嚮導具有以上的條件,也歡迎以自薦方式來成為維基導遊管理員。謝謝!!--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年4月29日 (六) 21:15 (CST)
- 您可以續任管理員。--逆襲的天邪鬼(讨论) 2017年4月29日 (六) 21:18 (CST)
Banner contest during the Wiki Loves Earth 2017
Dear Colleagues,
(my apologies for not being able to write in Chinese).
Wiki Loves Earth 2017, the photo competition aimed at collecting photos of protected natural areas, has started today. We seek to collect photos that can be used on Wikivoyage and also organize a satellite competition dedicated to page banners. We have held such a competition already last year and received 88 beautiful page banners for Russia, many of them currently used on Wikivoyage.
The submission rules are described here. In short, only banners which are made of your own regular submissions to WLE 2017 are eligible, and they must be uploaded via a special link. If you fancy page banner for a Russian destination, use a different upload link, because we will award a separate prize. The competition runs till the end of May.
All banners submitted for this competition will be evaluated by our jury. We will consider both artistic value of individual banners and their merit for Wikivoyage, namely whether the banner is used or can be used in Wikivoyage articles, how well it conveys the feel of the destination, etc. We will have two small prizes, one for banners of Russian destinations and one for banners from abroad.
If you don't fancy uploading page banners but feel interested in our initiative, you can join our jury and help us in grading the banners. Just leave us a note here or contact us in person, and we will get back to you.--Ymblanter(讨论) 2017年5月1日 (一) 15:58 (CST)
- @Ymblanter:Это большое событие, спасибо!--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年5月3日 (三) 00:43 (CST)
翻看页面浏览统计发现马来语会话手册月浏览量从去年开始连续第一。这个页面既没登上首页,也不会是搜索热门,没找到原因,难道是统计程序错误?大虾番(讨论) 2017年5月1日 (一) 23:41 (CST)
- @大虾番: 或許是統計錯誤,我之前也有看一下,現在看也是马来语会话手册第一,很不可思議...--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年5月3日 (三) 00:32 (CST)
- @大虾番: 點了回報錯誤後,第一項似乎就是答案所在了。--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年5月3日 (三) 00:37 (CST)
- 我当日也看到了那篇错误回报页,但今天用google搜索了一下“马来语”,发现这篇手册排在第一页,这样高频的关键词下的结果每天有30个点击还是可以达到的;另外用google trends看了一下,搜索趋势高低峰与访问量高低峰大致相同。如果这个理论成立,这个页面可能就是维基导游唯一在搜索引擎排序靠前的指南了,还证明了搜索引擎对小网站的影响是很大的(笑)--大虾番(讨论) 2017年5月3日 (三) 22:52 (CST)
- @大虾番: 沒錯!--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年5月3日 (三) 23:21 (CST)
- 我当日也看到了那篇错误回报页,但今天用google搜索了一下“马来语”,发现这篇手册排在第一页,这样高频的关键词下的结果每天有30个点击还是可以达到的;另外用google trends看了一下,搜索趋势高低峰与访问量高低峰大致相同。如果这个理论成立,这个页面可能就是维基导游唯一在搜索引擎排序靠前的指南了,还证明了搜索引擎对小网站的影响是很大的(笑)--大虾番(讨论) 2017年5月3日 (三) 22:52 (CST)
- @大虾番: 點了回報錯誤後,第一項似乎就是答案所在了。--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年5月3日 (三) 00:37 (CST)
New notification when a page is connected to Wikidata
Hello all,
(Sorry for writing in English. It’d be great if someone could translate it if necessary.)
The Wikidata development team is about to deploy a new feature on all Wikivoyages. It is a new type of notification (via Echo, the notification system you see at the top right of your wiki when you are logged in), that will inform the creator of a page, when this page is connected to a Wikidata item.
You may know that Wikidata provides a centralized system for all the interwikilinks. When a new page is created, it should be connected to the corresponding Wikidata item, by modifying this Wikidata item. With this new notification, editors creating pages will be informed when another editor connects this page to Wikidata.
This feature will be deployed on May 9th on all the Wikivoyages. This feature will be disable by default for existing editors, and enabled by default for new editors. This is the first step of the deployments, the Wikipedias and other Wikimedia projects will follow in the next months.
If you have any question, suggestion, please let me know by pinging me. You can also follow and leave a comment on the Phabricator ticket.
Thanks go to Matěj Suchánek who suggested and developed this feature! Cheers, Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talk)
- @Lea Lacroix (WMDE): Very good! I hope the feature can be used on Chinese wikivoyage. --✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年5月3日 (三) 21:33 (CST)

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2017 elections for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees.
The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is the ultimate governing authority of the Wikimedia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. The Wikimedia Foundation manages many diverse projects such as Wikipedia and Commons.
The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 1 to 23:59 UTC May 14. Click here to vote. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2017 Board of Trustees election page on Meta-Wiki.
On behalf of the Elections Committee,
Katie Chan, Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee
Joe Sutherland, Community Advocate, Wikimedia Foundation
Beta Feature Two Column Edit Conflict View
Editing News #1—2017


In visual mode, you will see additions, removals, new links, and formatting highlighted. Other changes, such as changing the size of an image, are described in notes on the side.


The wikitext diff is the same diff tool that is used in the wikitext editors and in the page history. 你可以閱讀並協助翻譯使用手冊,其中有關於如何使用視覺化編輯器的更多相關資訊。
自從上一期電子報發布以來,視覺化編輯器團隊將大部分的時間投入在2017維基文本編輯模式中,該功能已經在視覺化編輯器中做為測試功能開放使用。團隊也加入了新的視覺化差異比較工具。 其工作內容已經在Phabricator內發布。 您可以在下列的連結mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings找到每一週完成的工作。 目前主要的任務是修復漏洞、致力於2017維基文本編輯器作為測試功能和改進視覺化差異比較工具。
- A new wikitext editing mode is available as a Beta Feature on desktop devices. The 2017 wikitext editor has the same toolbar as the visual editor and can use the citoid service and other modern tools. Go to Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-betafeatures to enable the ⧼Visualeditor-preference-newwikitexteditor-label⧽.
- A new visual diff tool is available in VisualEditor's visual mode. You can toggle between wikitext and visual diffs. More features will be added to this later. In the future, this tool may be integrated into other MediaWiki components. [1]
- The team have added multi-column support for lists of footnotes. The
<references />
block can automatically display long lists of references in columns on wide screens. This makes footnotes easier to read. You can request multi-column support for your wiki. [2] - You can now use your web browser's function to switch typing direction in the new wikitext mode. This is particularly helpful for RTL language users like Urdu or Hebrew who have to write JavaScript or CSS. You can use Command+Shift+X or Control+Shift+X to trigger this. [3]
- The way to switch between the visual editing mode and the wikitext editing mode is now consistent. There is a drop-down menu that shows the two options. This is now the same in desktop and mobile web editing, and inside things that embed editing, such as Flow. [4]
- The 分类 item has been moved to the top of the 页面选项 menu (from clicking on the "hamburger" icon) for quicker access. [5] There is also now a "Templates used on this page" feature there. [6]
- You can now create
tags (sometimes used as<ce>
) for chemical formulas inside the visual editor. [7] - Tables can be set as collapsed or un-collapsed. [8]
- The 特殊字符 menu now includes characters for Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics and angle quotation marks (‹› and ⟨⟩) . The team thanks the volunteer developer, Tpt. [9]
- A bug caused some section edit conflicts to blank the rest of the page. This has been fixed. The team are sorry for the disruption. [10]
- There is a new keyboard shortcut for citations:
on a PC, orCommand
on a Mac. It is based on the keyboard shortcut for making links, which isControl
respectively. [11]
- The team is working on a syntax highlighting tool. It will highlight matching pairs of
tags and other types of wikitext syntax. You will be able to turn it on and off. It will first become available in VisualEditor's built-in wikitext mode, maybe late in 2017. [12] - The kind of button used to 显示预览, 显示更改, and finish an edit will change in all WMF-supported wikitext editors. The new buttons will use OOjs UI. The buttons will be larger, brighter, and easier to read. The labels will remain the same. You can test the new button by editing a page and adding
to the end of the URL, like this: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Sandbox?action=edit&ooui=1 The old appearance will no longer be possible, even with local CSS changes. [13] - The outdated 2006 wikitext editor will be removed later this year. It is used by approximately 0.03% of active editors. See a list of editing tools on mediawiki.org if you are uncertain which one you use. [14]
- 如果您並非使用自己偏好的語言閱讀這份電子報,歡迎您協助翻譯!訂閱翻譯者郵件列表或直接與我們聯繫,讓我們可以在下一次電子報準備好時通知您。谢谢您!

維基媒體運動策略核心小組和工作組已經完成了從第一次討論中收到的1800多個專題報告。 他們確定了 5個所有對話中一致的主題 - 每個都有自己的一些子主題。 這些不是最終的主題,只是核心概念的初步工作草案。
在movement strategy portal on Meta-Wiki,中,您可以找到有關這些主題,討論以及如何參與的更多信息。
Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation • 请帮助翻译至您的语言 • Get help
我們維基媒體基金會選舉委員會很高興地宣布,2017年維基媒體基金會基金會傳播委員會和基金傳播委員會監察員選舉將接受提名。 請閱讀維基媒體基金會在2017年維基媒體基金會選舉網站上致電候選人的信件。
基金傳播委員會(FDC就如何將維基媒體運動資金分配給符合條件的實體提出建議。 有五個職位正在填補。 有關此角色的更多信息,請參見the FDC elections page。
基金傳播委員會監察員收到關於FDC流程的投訴和反饋,應董事會的要求調查投訴,並每年對董事會的調查和反饋進行總結。一個職位正在空缺,有關此角色的更多信息,請參見FDC監察員選舉頁面the FDC Ombudsperson elections page。
候選人提交階段將持續到5月28日(23:59 UTC)。
- 5月15日(00:00 UTC) - 5月28日(23:59 UTC) - 提名
- 5月15日至5月28日 - 候選人提交期限
- 5月29日 - 6月2日 - 候選人回答問題
- 6月3日至6月11日 - 投票期間
- 6月12日至14日 - 投票檢查
- 6月15日 - 宣布選舉結果的目標日期
請隨時在您的項目的互助客棧上發布關於選舉的說明。 有關選舉的任何問題都可以發佈在Meta的談話頁面上,或者發送到選舉委員會的郵件列表board-electionswikimedia.org。
Katie Chan, 維基媒體基金會選舉委員會主席
Joe Sutherland, 維基媒體基金會社區倡導者
总之这里是挂着这个模版而超过一年没编辑的页面,一共36个。 --WhitePhosphorus(讨论) 2017年6月19日 (一) 20:01 (CST)
- @WhitePhosphorus: 很高興你發現了這點,我剛也看到模板「如果之后一年内没有修改,它会被删除」的字樣;然而我去英語版發現到「This travel topic about Attractions is an outline and needs more content. It has a template, but there is not enough information present. Please plunge forward and help it grow!」且沒有說要刪除。或許我們中文的模板沒有做出更新吧...如果一年內沒做修改就刪,我想中文維基導遊恐怕有一大半會被刪除,再加上中文維基導遊活躍人數很少下,這勢必是一個大問題。我會找時間將這模板做出更新,也感謝你的告知。順便一提,如果有發現其他什麼的問題,也歡迎在告訴我們,我們會將努力去改善。--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年6月19日 (一) 23:03 (CST)
完成 該{{Outlinetopic}}已做出更新!感謝@WhitePhosphorus:的反饋。--✈ YURIY / ✉ 想聊啥?! . Ⓟ 海納百川 2017年6月19日 (一) 23:18 (CST)