
File:Nimrod, father of magyars.JPG


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Magyar: Live on the 18th of December, 2011. Budapest, Sas-hegy. Hungary.
來源 自己的作品
作者 Derzsi Elekes Andor

Live on the 18th of December, 2011. Budapest, Sas-hegy. (NamrUd in sumerian, Namra Udu = translated from sumerian: shining light, today Nimrod, was the father of magyars, sumerian ruler, descendant of Cush). The sumerians called themself hungars. Nimrod is to be identified with the Babylonian hero Izdubar or Gishdubar (in semitic Gilgamesh) and even with Marduk. Nimrod might be the sumerian (hungar) nation, paying homage to their ancestors in the Heavens. Nimrod is an archetype of the later Heracles/Hercules of Greek myth. Nimrod is generally considered to have been the one who suggested building the Tower of Babel and who directed its construction. God said: "I made Nimrod great; but he built a tower in order that he might rebel against Me". The sumerians were world-renowned for their astronomical abilities, believing that their gods were present not only in their cult statues, but also in the Sun, Moon, stars and planets. The sumerians looked to the night sky for religious inspiration, as it was there, they believed, that the gods dwelt there. The constellations that we know today were invented by ancient peoples like the sumerians in times as a mnemonic device to help them remember the stories of their gods, which were literally "written in the stars" by the fertile imaginations of our earliest ancestors. The city of Edessa is actually closely associated with Nimrod, and is even known as "The Throne of Nimrod" to this day. There is a prominent set of pillars in the city, which are closely associated with Nimrod's throne, and which even appear on the coinage of the day. One coin shows a figure standing between the pillars with his arms outstretched, surrounded by astronomical symbols. Gilbert noticed, when examining the pillars, that when viewing them from the north, the constellation of Nimrod passes in between them, just like the figure on the coin. A set of steps on the southern end of the pillars tends to reinforce the cultic aspect of these pillars, and they probably served in a late-night ritual wherein the king assumed his throne between the pillars just when Nimrod passed between them, symbolically taking on the ancient mantle of authority linked with the constellation. According to the Hungarian (magyar) tradition, compiled by Kézai Simon, the clergyman of Kun László, king of Hungary, in the Gesta Hungarorum (1282): 201 years after the flood the giant Nimrod and his nation started the construction of the Tower of Babel. The Bible, Genesis was written around 950 before Crist: Nimrod was the first ruler of the World. He was a huge hunter before the Lord. Nimrod is the descendant of Cush in the Bible. But the christian fathers - whom were very well known by Kézai Simon - teached, that the huns and magyars (hungarians) descend from Japhet, son of Noe. The hungarian tradition had to exist long before the Bible, in the period of the sumer rulers. The Bible doesn't say anything about Nimrod building the Tower of Babel. So Kézai Simon could not copy this from the Bible. On the other hand, the arabs have an ancient legand: the Tower of Babel was built by Nimrod, as he wanted to see the Lord of Abraham. The jews of the old Testament called the nations of Cush those nations, that were the enemies of the jews. And just like this, in the old arab legends, Nimrod is the enemy of Abraham. As the arabs are semitic people, just like the jews, this means, that Nimrod was the enemy of the semitic people, and was ruling on them. This opinion remained in the comtemporary jewish tradition, and the early cristian fathers accepted it too. The apokrif "Testament of Naftali" writes about Nimrod, without Lord, who led the peoples to rise against the Lord. Acccording to Saint Izidor, Nimrod teached the persians to adore the fire, "and the son of the black Cush explored the evil knowledge of the astronomy and magia". So Kézai Simon - a christian clergyman - opposed whole christianity and the Catholic Church, when he was stating the hungarian tradition live and long lasting from much earlier times than the Bible. The writer of the "Képes Krónika" details the family tree of the rulers of Hungary, the Hungarian kings. He says: the forefather of Almos was Nimrod. There had to be a family tree of the hungarian kings from the time before taking the western style christianity (before 1000). Tags: Cush magyars NamrUd Namra Udu Siba Zi Anna Faithful Shepherd of the Heavens Az Ég Hűséges Pásztora Magyarország MagAr MagOr Japhet Cush Marduk Orion Hercules

Kézai Simon: Magyar Krónika http://ostortenetunk.blogspot.com/2009/02/kezai-simon-mester-magyar-kronikaja.html Nimrod: http://ostortenetunk.blogspot.com/2009/02/nimrod-monda-hattere.html 1.Szántai Lajos: Nimród https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQrTmZhmLXA&feature=related (magyarvagyokPontCom)


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作者姓名字串 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫):​Derzsi Elekes Andor
維基媒體使用者名稱 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫):​Derzsi Elekes Andor

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目前2011年12月19日 (一) 06:11於 2011年12月19日 (一) 06:11 版本的縮圖4,320 × 3,240(4.75 MB)Derzsi Elekes Andor



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